Element U.S. Space & Defense has one of the most robust pneumatic test capabilities at our Santa Clarita, CA facility. The pneumatics test facility is designs to conduct testing of air flow, pressure and temperature management subsystems and components requiring compressed air in a controlled environment. Other environments which can be combined with pneumatic testing include; external thermal control, structural stress, and vibration.
The pneumatics test system is comprised of four high-capacity convection heaters, seven air compressors with boosters, two compressed air receivers (ullage tanks), air distribution piping and controls, high flow, low pressure air blowers, and supporting capabilities such as thermal chambers, small air compressors, LN2 and GN2.
The system is operated from the adjacent control room outfitted with a data acquisition and control system for the monitoring, control, and recording of unit under test (UUT) requirements, including streaming video. The data acquisition and control system has the capacity to support up to ten tests in parallel at seven workstations, including four large/complex test programs. The system has virtually unlimited capacity for temperature, pressure, flow and other customer and facility data channel requirements, with portable data interface, signal conditioning, and control cabinets. Multiple direct Ethernet data connections from test cell to control room allow for easy reconfiguration and expansion of localized data interface cabinets. Additionally, the workstations can be configured for independent customer data viewing and analysis, while the control room can be segmented to isolate proprietary customer usage when needed.