Verizon Independent Test Laboratories for NEBS Testing

Read Time: 
November 24, 2020

NEBS testing involves certification from an independent lab. With 28 labs across North America, NTS runs several Verizon-certified independent laboratories from Silicon Valley to New England. At the Silicon Valley lab, for example, you have easy access to the following:

  • Full Range of NEBS Testing Capabilities in One Location
  • Alignment of All NEBS Test reports with RBOC Requirements
  • Telecordia Telecom Related GR-XX-CORE Testing

Participation in the NTS NEBS quality program supports ongoing product compliance throughout the entire product life cycle. And when you get the NTS NEBS mark, everyone will know that you achieved an elevated level of quality and product reliability. Get your product certified by the most trusted organization in testing—and do it at a convenient location.

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