Telecommunications equipment deployed in Central Office locations within the telephone network must be tested and certified for safety. A failure of one product in one rack must be contained to ensure it does not adversely affect the entire Central Office.NEBS, which stands for Network Equipment Building Systems, is the generic requirement for the spatial environmental, EMI/EMC, and product safety of telecom equipment being deployed in the Central Office locations of the Public Switch Telephone Network. NEBS testing requirements are mandated by the network carriers providing confidence that equipment has a high degree of reliability and will work under extreme environments while maintaining service for their customers.NTS provides accreditation to NEBS standards as well as overlapping requirements for GR, ETSI, VZ-TPR and AT&T purchasing requirements. Telcordia Network Infrastructure Solutions (NIS), a division of Ericsson, Inc. (Telcordia-NIS) developed the GR technical documents detailing the safety generic criteria for Network Telecommunications equipment.GR-1089 and GR-63 are the most commonly applied standards. GR-1089 is the “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electrical Safety requirements for Network Telecommunications Equipment” while GR-63 is the “Physical Protection Requirements for Network Telecommunications Equipment.” NTS offers testing to these standards at facilities throughout the US, Canada and Europe, with Verizon approved NEBS testing labs in California, Texas, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Germany.