Testing to the Extreme: NTS Designs and Builds Custom Pneumatic Test Setups in Support of Customers' R&D Needs

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May 15, 2016

Temperature Testing over 2000F with airflow.

NTS Santa Clarita is home to our largest pneumatics test capabilities. The pneumatics test facilities are designed to conduct testing of air flow, pressure and temperature management subsystems and components requiring compressed air in a controlled environment. Other environments which can be combined with pneumatic testing include; external thermal control, structural stress, and vibration.The pneumatics test system is comprised of four high-capacity convection heaters, seven air compressors with boosters, two compressed air receivers (ullage tanks), air distribution piping and controls, high flow, low pressure air blowers, and supporting capabilities such as thermal chambers, small air compressors, LN2 and GN2.Typical systems and components which NTS tests in our pneumatics testing facility include:

  • Jet engine bleed air systems and associated components (valves, instrumentation, etc.)
  • Aerospace environmental control systems and associated components (heat exchangers, valves, instrumentation, etc.)
  • Transportation and industrial combustion and exhaust management systems and associated components (heat exchangers, valves, turbo chargers, instrumentation, etc.)
  • Other subsystems and components that require compressed air at varying pressures, flows and temperatures for sustained periods.

To learn more about this test capability, click here.

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