NTS CSMO Appointed Chair of ACIL Board of Directors

Read Time: 
November 21, 2014

Derek Coppinger, CSMO of NTS was inducted as Chair of the ACIL Board of Directors at their annual meeting in October 2014. Mr. Coppinger’s term will run through 2016.The American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) is the trade association representing independent, commercial scientific and testing laboratories. Its members are professional service firms engaged in testing, product certification, consulting, and research and development. Founded in 1937, the ACIL strides to be the recognized leader advancing the interests of the testing industry.Additionally, the Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) presented the 2014 Preston Millar Award to Dan Cannon, NTS Director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs, for his excellent committee leadership.For more information about the ACIL, visit their website at www.acil.org.

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