International Approvals Update - India BIS Amendment No. 2

Read Time: 
June 13, 2016

India BIS has established an Amendment No. 2 to IS 13252(Part1):2010 and the requirements are very similar to IEC 60950-1 A2. The current IS 13252(Part1):2010 (with amendment no. 1) is permitted until Dec 31st, 2016.

For the existing registered models, the manufacturers can choose any one base model for Amendment 2 testing and the test reports must show compliance to IS13252(Part1):2010 Amendment 2 requirements. Such test reports and the undertaking form need to be submitted to BIS before Dec 31st, 2016.For any further questions please contact Caio Collet-Silva, NTS International Approvals Manager at 510-570-7585 or email

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