International Approvals: EU/CE Compliance Update

Read Time: 
August 30, 2016

A new version of the “Blue Guide” was issued aligning the requirements with the “New Legislative Framework”.Please note the following two particular aspects extracted from the guide:

  1. The EC DoC (Declaration of Conformity) must be in the official language of the Member State/Country or wherever the products are available in the market.
  2. Obligations of the manufacturers, importers and distributors:
  3. The product must be accompanied by instructions and safety information in a language determined by the Member State/Country that can be easily understood by consumers and other end-users.
  4. Product must have the manufacturer’s name, registered name or trademark and the address where they can be contacted.
  5. Product must have the importer’s name, registered name or trademark and the address where they can be contacted.

Please click here to check the blue guide carefully for more information about these two items above, other details and exemptions.For any further questions regarding this new development, please contact our NTS International Approvals Team at

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