Event Recap: Telecom Seminar, Best Design Practices and NEBS Workshop

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March 28, 2016

On March 8, our Silicon Valley facility hosted its third annual Telecom Seminar: Best Design Practices and NEBS Workshop. The workshop focused on a variety of topics ranging from Environmental Reliability (GR-63 and GR-3108) and EMC (GR-1089), to Multimedia Standards (CISPR-32, KN 32, KN 35) and International Approvals.Those that attended were able to take advantage of hearing directly from our guest presenter, Todd Talbot with Verizon. As Verizon’s ITL program manager and NEBS Compliance SME, Todd covered various aspects of the NEBS program including its role with compliance, clarifying misconceptions about the requirements, and finished up with highlighting a few hot topics.In case you missed the event, we are making the presentations available for download!Topic 1: Testing Pitfalls and Designs GR-63 ETSI 019 and GR-3108Topic 2: Testing Pitfalls and Designs GR-1089Topic 3: International Approvals Entering New MarketsTopic 4: Testing To New Industry Standards CISPR 32 EN55032 KN32 KN35Topic 5: Verizon NEBS RequirementsAboutThe goal of the Telecom Seminar and NEBS Workshop was to a) address real world design challenges, and b) provide solutions that will help customers streamline their test programs and overall deployment strategies. To learn more about these capabilities, contact us today!

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