Changes to Certification Process in Ecuador

Read Time: 
June 30, 2017

ARCOTEL in Ecuador issued a new regulation about the homologation process. The biggest impact to the changes are highlighted below:

  • No in-country testing is required. The changes have removed the requirement for testing, therefore no samples are required for submission/certification to ARCOTEL in almost all cases
  • Photographs of the device will now be required and there are specific requirements for the photos including external, internal and label views. These cannot be photos from test reports or marketing material.
  • The certificates will be issued by class. This could mean that a product will fall into multiple classes and require multiple certificates. The classes are as follows:
  • Terminals for the Advanced Mobile Service (SMA):
  • Terminals for the Bearer Service (P)
  • Terminals for the Fixed Telephone Service (STF)
  • Terminals for the Telecommunications Satellite Service (TTS)
  • Terminals for Internet access. (AI)
  • Trunked terminals for the Service. (T)
  • Terminals for the Communal Service (C)
  • Products that do not fall into mandatory scope can obtain obtain a certificate of recognition of being outside the scope of the regulation

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